
Corporate Social Responsibility

  • Empowering Employees
  • Protecting the environment
  • Strengthening Communities
  • To meet these commitments, Cappagh:

Empowering Employees

  • Respect the rights and dignity of every employee and treat them fairly and without discrimination.
  • Encourage team working and the sharing of knowledge throughout the organisation.
  • Recognise employees’ individual and team contribution and reward them appropriately.
  • Ensure that there are opportunities for training and professional development and focus on physical and emotional welfare.
  • Forbid, eliminate and not be complicit in the use of human slavery and forced or child labour.

Protecting the environment

  • Constantly seek to reduce the risk of global impacts such as climate change.
  • Target zero waste to landfill by improving recycling and waste management.
  • Innovate to introduce sustainable products and methods of working.
  • Challenge how our works impact on the environment and local wildlife.

Strengthening Communities

  • Be responsive to the needs of the communities we work in.
  • Ensure that we reduce disruption wherever possible.
  • Increase positive impacts on communities through sponsorship, charitable donations and volunteering.

To meet these commitments, Cappagh:

  • Comply with all applicable laws, regulations and other employment standards.
  • Develop and sustain good working relationships with all our stakeholders.
  • Ensure that our activities make a positive contribution to our customers, clients, communities and the environment.
  • Provide a quality service at a competitive price to clients.